Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of Lent. This is my third year of observing Lent and I look forward to it. I find it to be a significant time of reflection, discipline and deeper identification with Christ. It helps me to prepare for and celebrate Easter in a much more profound way. This year I decided to give up a few things: watching TV, eating sweets, fast food, drinking pop and alcoholic beverages, etc. I am also adding a few disciplines: reading Scripture in the morning and in the evening (Exodus and Hebrews, for sure), following Henri Nouwen's "Show Me the Way (Daily Lenten Readings)", speaking in a more edifying way with my wife, reading Bible stories to my girls every night, etc. I also want to try to journal/blog during Lent. We will see what insights and changes God will bring about before Easter.

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