Friday, March 28, 2008

Evangelist Calls Apostles Sexist Pigs and Doubters

Transparency of failure, suspicion towards virtue and self-deprecation are as Christian as faith, hope and love. That's why Luke has no problem describing the apostles as sexist unbelievers in Chapter 24. Luke is a Christian. For him, irony and vulnerability are rather natural. What other religion openly admits that its founders lacked faith and virtue? Christianity dares not take its adherents too seriously. I think there are two reasons. One, Christianity is a gospel faith: the core of our belief and message is the idea that we can do nothing to deserve God’s attention, acceptance and love, but that God gives those things to us as an outburst of Divine love, by sheer grace. So, the greatest enemy of our faith is not failure to live up to God’s standards or doubt but the exact opposite: our seeming success to do so. If we believe that God owes us something because of our strong faith or moral success, we no longer believe the gospel of grace: God comes to you out of love and not out of obligation; Jesus died for you while you were and are a horrible failure; God loves you before you love Him; Jesus believes in you before you believe in Him. So, we have to look at ourselves with suspicion. We cannot take ourselves seriously because, if we do, we might believe that we deserve God’s acceptance.
Two, Christianity is a faith in Jesus: God limited Himself, allowed others to mock and hurt Him and died ridiculed by onlookers. So, like the apostles, we dare not make ourselves look good. Looking at Jesus, we realize that strength is hidden in weakness, life in death and Sunday in Friday.
Happy Easter! Christ is risen indeed!


Anonymous said...

i just left a really long comment on this post and it is not here....and you know me well enough to know that i am not going to retype it ...good post anyway

Bonnie said...

I'm a little behind on reading blogs - to say the least! But tonight I felt compelled to read and it seems that your March post is just what I needed. Not that I feel as if I deserve or am better than God, but on days like today when the doctors and the tears have wiped us all out it is nice to be reminded that Jesus loves & believes in me even when I feel I'm at the bottom of a barrel. Thanks for the nudge.

Anonymous said...

time for a new blog

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