Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Christmas!

I pray that this Christmas season is a time of renewed hope for you and those who are close to you. As we reflect together on the mystery and wonder of the Incarnation, I am once again impressed with God’s wisdom and creativity. Faced with the problem of humanity separated from their Creator, God solved it in a divinely wonderful, surprising manner: He became human Himself. In the person of Jesus, God and humanity are finally united. Jesus is the God-man. In Him weary travelers return home. In Him eternity and time come together. In Jesus brokenness is healed and suffering is filled with joy. In Him love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other (Psalm 85:10). Does it not fill your heart with hope? What an amazing expression of Divine love! What an assurance of His commitment to us! God became vulnerable, limited, human because He loves us. Jesus experienced pain and pleasure, rejection and joy of the human existence. He became one of us, in every way like us, except for sin, so we can become like Him. As Kallistos Ware points out, Jesus shows us not only what a loving and creative person God is, but what we can become. He shows us what authentic humanity without sin looks like. By His perfect life and sacrificial death He liberates and spurs us on to become what God has made us to be: people reflecting God’s creativity and grace, full of wonder and hope.
Let’s welcome Jesus into our lives and marvel together at the good news of the One who was “pleased as man with man to dwell – Jesus, our Emmanuel”. Merry Christmas!


ThatGuyOvrThr said...


OK this says you posted this while you were at my house for my Graduation Party, how did you work that one out? No but seriously, Yay Jesus, Yay Christmas!

Anonymous said...

i think the time zone is different for this blog. it seems to always be the wrong time of post. i was not secretly blogging at your party (which was a good party). merry christmas!
