Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Following Jesus, Part 8: Poverty of Discipleship

The story of the rich young ruler in Luke 18 is a typical example of Jesus' attitude towards wealth: He doesn't like it. While we are right to point out that it is not money per se that prevents people from following the Teacher, the money seems to make it very difficult. Tim Keller says that money itself is not an idol distracting us from worshipping God but money always points to whatever our idol is. So, what is it that we so easily spend our money on? Entertainment, clothes, education, family, home... Perhaps our idols are self-pleasure, approval of others, respect of others, security...
Well, how can this idolatrous heart be turned to Jesus? He says, it is impossible. Our particular idol cannot be removed but only replaced. So, our only hope is that Jesus forces our idol out of our heart and draws our worship to Himself. He does that by showing us that we are his true wealth, His treasure He died to keep. We marvel at how much Jesus values us and start valuing and worshiping Him. He became poor for us, so that we can become rich in Him. He is our true wealth.

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