Sunday, March 18, 2007


Perhaps, one of the greatest benefits of giving up TV for Lent is the increased opportunity for solitude. Of course, solitude is a foreign concept in our household inhabited by three little girls. One of them has taken a vow of unceasing talking, it seems. But more time of reflection and quiet brings more interaction with Jesus. I am not one to claim that Jesus is only met in solitude. I have come to realize that some of the more memorable theophanies happen in the midst of action that is quite contrary to contemplation. However, it is undeniably true that Jesus comes to meet his follower one on one. Here are two of my observations. First, I have noticed that I am uncomfortable with being one on one with Jesus. I try to fill my time with many things (if not TV at this time) to not be alone with him. It shows my inhibition to learn things about Jesus or myself that I would rather leave unknown. Perhaps, my whole addiction to entertainment can be explained by that fear. Secondly, I have learned many new things about myself during those encounters. Jesus shows me who I really am and what I could become. It is scary and hopeful all at once. Here is a wonderful quote from Bishop Kallistos Ware: "Who is God? Who am I? To both these questions Jesus Christ gives us the answer." More often than not this answer comes to us in solitude.

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